Logo Design
TEDxQUT 2019 is an event focusing on the ideas from QUT students and staff. This year, the theme is Innovate, Activate, Motivate and this aims to acknowledge those with ideas the inspire individuals to create their change or challenge their understandings/ perceptions. With an audience of 150, and a live stream event, the creation of a positive atmosphere relies on attendees immersed in the idea of TED.
With that being said, we want to create a sensory experience for the attendees with everything from innovative stage design to captivating graphics.
The team were seeking original work for a logo for the theme Innovate, Activate, Motivate.
Initial Sketches

First Iterations

Further iterations

QUT preferred the lightbulb image and so we continued creating logos using that initial imagery.
Smaller versions of the logo were also created for use on documentation etc.
The logo needed to be printed on t-shirts in black and white. Therfore, and inverse version of the logo was also created.
Final Logo