Nothing But Ash
Final University Assessment
Nothing but Ash is an exploration into smoking created by the Daughters for Mothers Health Foundation. The purpose of the exploration is to communicate to mothers struggling with smoking (or other addictions that affect their families) that there is help for them if they have the courage to look for it. The exploration
is showcased through three campaigns that target three different groups affected by smoking - young kids, teenagers and parents.
The campaigns are accompanied by a research document that explains the urgency for this topic and a process document for the entire project. This project was inspired by people close to me and holds a lot of personal meaning.
* All branding (including the foundation) were designed and created by me *
The Brand | Foundation

Final Posters

The final documentation and posters were printed for final display at the QUT IVD Graduate Showcase.
A process video was also created to show the photoshoots for each poster.